PERU: Online Gaming License


Online Gaming License: 28,500 EUR

 • Company Creation of SAC (Closed Stock Company).

SAC is a business structure that involves two or more partners. In a SAC, the capital is divided into shares and the liability of the partners is limited to the amount of their investment in the company. This can offer significant advantages in terms of access to financing and business growth.

  ○ A SAC can issue shares and attract investments from new partners, making it easier to raise capital to finance growth and investments.

  ○ Partners in a SAC have limited liability; personal assets are protected in the event of financial or legal problems of the company.

  ○ The structure of a limited liability company makes it easier to expand and enter into new markets.

  ○ A SAC is perceived as more solid and trustworthy company.

 • Reservation of the name of the Company in the Registry of Legal Entities of Lima.

 • Preparation of the minutes of incorporation of the Company, including: social statute, power regime, appointment of manager(s) and representative(s), among others.

  ○ Coordination and monitoring of the notary office that will be in charge of formalizing the minutes in Public Deed for subsequent registration.

 • Assistance in opening a bank account in the Company's name. (No minimum capital requirement).

 • Assistance in the registration to the Registry of Legal Entities of the National Superintendency of Public Registries ("SUNARP").

 • Registration  in the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT), to obtain the Single Taxpayer Registration number (RUC) of the company.

 • Advice on the opening & legalization of the Company's corporate books (general shareholders' meeting book and share registration).

 • Preparation of the entry for the issuance of initial shares of the Company.

 • Legal Representative of the Company during the pre-commercial stage. (If any of the founding shareholders is a natural person not domiciled in Peru, power of attorney must be granted to a person on our team and that power must be registered in Peru). Duties of the Legal Representative:

  ○ Exercise of the role of General Manager of the Company.

  ○ Tax domicile in Peru.

  ○ Basic accounting services.

  ○ Other basic representation activities that should not exceed 7 hours per month

 • Application for the authorization/registration of online gaming Technology Platform presented to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR).

The MINCETUR is the entity in charge of authorizing the exploitation of technological gaming platforms to the legal entity that owns it (assuming the company is a VASP (PSAV)), as well as keeping a single registry of the authorized technological platforms:

  ○ gaming programs,

  ○ progressive systems,

  ○ game modalities,

  ○ live casino games,

  ○ sports betting terminal models,

  ○ authorized and registered sports betting terminals (homologation).

 • Assistance during the authorization procedure for the exploitation of Technological Platforms for remote gaming and remote sports betting by a legal entity incorporated in Peru.

  ○ The authorization for the company to operate remote gaming and betting platforms.

 • Assistance during the authorization/registration process (homologation) of the Technological Platform.

  ○ The authorization/registration for the specific platform that the company will operate.

In both requests for authorization/registration, we will accompany you in the collection of information to support your request, as well as in the preparation of the requested declarations/communications to attach to MINCETUR.

(The process and technological topics must be defined/provided by you or the appointee of the company)

*Pre-requisites to the start of operations for the application for exploitation authorization:

  ○ Grant a guarantee in favor of MINCETUR, which will take the form of a bank deposit, bank guarantee letter or a surety policy, issued by a company in the financial system, under the supervision of the SBS, and will be equivalent to the greater amount. between 3% of the annual net income or 600 UIT (approx. USD 830 mil);

  ○ Communicate the domain with the extension that will be used for the exploitation of the Technological Platform; and,

  ○ Provide MINCETUR with users and/or access codes to the servers and database of the Technological Platform.

Extra services:

Local Director: 1,500 EUR / Month

Also Available: PERU VASP License

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